Monday, 1 April 2013

Experiences from Incredible Edible

Hey everyone. So I've just moved to Sherwood from Oakham in Rutland. Last year I learnt about the amazing Incredible Edible movement - transforming unloved area of land in the community into herbs, vegetables and bee-friendly flowers.

It inspired me so much that I was determined to start a project. Whilst living in Oakham, there wasn't so much to do, so I put some time into creating Incredible Edible Oakham. The first location I tried was unfortunately turned down by the landowner, because he didn't "get" why growing vegetables was beneficial in the community - his loss! So I tried another place - by a nearby Plastics company there was raised beds, sitting empty...the perfect spot. So I contacted the Plastics company and successfully managed to gain permission! I immediately wanted to involve the children from nearby schools - as it a fantastic way for them to learn about growing food, and making a difference in the community. I put the message out, and got an incredible response - lots wanted to help! So the kids have been planting over the last few weeks - am very excited to see what comes out of their brilliant work!

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