Monday, 22 July 2013

No plant!

Sadly, due to energy levels from a busy weekend, we didn't manage to plant tonight. Instead we discussed what we would need to do next. It was mentioned that we require the following items to continue:

  • Organic non-peat compost / manure
  • Organic fertiliser (rotenone, pyrethrum)
  • Green manure
  • Netting
  • Canes
If you can help with the above, please get in touch with us.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Outreach and...signs!

We've been doing lots of outreach - through freeconomy, through Streetbank, and through Facebook. We've now set up a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and a flickr account to store our photos.

And we've got the flyer wording changed to match the fact we are now at Winchester St car park. We're getting these printed to put in local community areas very soon!

One of our wonderful volunteers, Katie, has produced some brilliant signs for the beds!! And so tonight we have put up the signs, which will hopefully draw people to the beds to see what's going on!

Whilst we were doing this, another person living opposite the beds spotted us and he has donated some spare plants - cabbages and cauliflowers! And we also heard that Michael's friend has some purple sprouting brocolli and some bee-friendly plants to donate to us!

So...we're going to dig up another area of the beds, just a bit further down, on Sunday evening at 6pm. Join us there if you can! Bring any tools and some water!