Friday, 31 May 2013

Where there is a loss, there is an opportunity

So the sad news we've heard this week that the plants we put in at the area before the woodland have been strimmed and due to lack of water, they haven't survived.

BUT....we've just started work on the raised beds at Winchester Street car park! Using the plants we got donated from the plant swap, we've now put in some herbs and salads in the bed by Mansfield Street. Next steps, to get a flyer designed to spread the word, and organise further plantings!

Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Launch - International Permaculture Day

So today is International Permaculture Day!

And we had 5 people come along to get involved in the launch of Sowing Sherwood. We've planted chives, strawberries and wildflowers for the bees. The area looks like a rubbish dumping ground so we're going to have to be careful...Fingers crossed these plants take! There were concerns of lack of water we're going away to think how we deal with it.

Also, I've had a meeting with new neighbourhood officer for Sherwood, Leigh White, who has given full support of the project! I also met with local councillors and they have also shown full support! I showed Leigh the pictures of the walkabout we did, and she thinks the most likely place she can support with is Winchester Street car park - land owned by the council. She explained that the council are supportive of community gardening projects, which is fantastic to hear.